Grant Overrides for Days Off

Your store day off policy can sometimes create situations where you need to allow an employee to make a request for a day off that is outside of your normal pattern. There are three main parts to how Shift Agent gives you control of Day Off requests:

  1. Days Off Policy - Window of opportunity to make requests
  2. Soft Limits - lets employees know if their request came in past the limit
  3. Overrides & Exceptions

Note:  Unless you grant an override, if they are outside of your policy, they can't make the request.

  • To grant an exception, simply navigate to the employee's profile and go to the Days Off tab.  Click on the Overrides area.
  • Press the Grant Exception button, and the next time they attempt to make a day off request, the system will allow them to do it.
  • Each exception is good for one and only one request.

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